​Real Madrid kräver svar av UEFA

Bild till nyheten ​Real Madrid kräver svar av UEFA
Real Madrid gör som Liverpool och kräver en utredning för att få svar på hur publiken kunde behandlas så illa inför Champions League-finalen.

Undermålig planering och organisering inför Champions League-finalen på Stade de France ledde till att stora mängder supportrar samlades på trånga ytor när de försökte ta sig in på arenan.

Många supportrar attackerades med tårgas och pepparsprej av fransk polis och otaliga vittnesmål, bilder och videos på sociala medier visar att det ofta var oprovocerat.

Franska myndigheter att försökt att skylla problemen på supportrarna bland annat med argumentet att upp emot 40 000 skulle ha kommit dit utan giltig biljett. De har även pekat ut Liverpools supportrar som särskilt problematiska.

Liverpool har reagerat kraftigt på anklagelserna och har krävt en utredning för att få svar på hur arrangemanget och publikhanteringen kunde vara så dålig. De har själva fått in tusentals vittnesmål från supportrar som var på plats.

Nu har Real Madrid också krävt svar av UEFA då även deras supportrar behandlades illa i samband med matchen. I ett pressmeddelande tar de sina supportrar i försvar och kräver svar från de ansvariga.

Pressmeddelandet i sin helhet:

“Given the unfortunate events that took place on May 28 in the vicinity and entrances to the Stade de France, including inside the stadium itself, Real Madrid CF would like to state the following in defence of our supporters who were victims of these events:

1. We want to know what were the reasons that motivated the designation of the venue of the final and what criteria were taken into consideration for what happened that day.

2. Likewise, we ask for answers and explanations that determine who was responsible for leaving the fans helpless and defenceless – supporters whose general behaviour was at all times exemplary.

We understand that what should have been a great celebration of football for all the fans who attended the game turned into unfortunate events that have caused deep outrage around the world.

As has been clearly seen in the revealing images offered by the media, many of the fans were violently assaulted, harassed and robbed.

Some events also took place when they were driving in their cars or buses fearing for their physical safety. Some of them even had to spend the night in the hospital for injuries received.

Football has transmitted to the world an image far removed from the values and objectives that it must always pursue.

Our followers and fans deserve a response and that the relevant responsibilities be cleared up so that situations like the ones experienced are eradicated forever from football and sport.”

Källa: Thisisanfield.com.

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