– Respektlösa kommentarer

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Liverpools styrelseordförande Tom Werner har riktat skarp kritik mot de franska myndigheternas svar på publikkaoset Champions League-finalen på Stade de France.

Sättet som Liverpools supportrar behandlades inför Champions League-finalen i lördags har blivit väldigt uppmärksammat under de senaste dagarna och de franska myndigheterna har med flertalet uttalanden försökt att lägga skulden till det kaos som uppstod, där polisen bland annat använde tårgas och pepparsprej mot människorna utanför Stade de France, på ditresa supportrar

Frankrikes idrottsminister sa bland annat att det var supportrar som ankommit till arenan utan giltiga biljetter som bar skulden till problematiken och inrikesministern pekade finger mot Jürgen Klopp som uppmanat supportrar att resa till Paris för att fira med laget även om de inte hade biljetter.

Liverpools styrelseordförande Tom Werner har skickat ett brev till idrottsminister Amelie Oudea-Castera där han ställer sig kritisk till de uttalanden som gjorts utan någon närmare efterforskning kring händelserna som utspelade sig i lördags.

Liverpool Echo har återgett brevet i sin helhet:

Dear Minister,

I am writing to you today out of utter disbelief that a Minister of the French Government, a position of enormous responsibility and influence, could make a series of unproven pronouncements on a matter of such significance before a proper, formal, independent investigation process has even taken place.

The events that occurred in and around the Stade de France on Saturday night at the UEFA Champions League Final were not only incredibly dangerous for all who attended, but raised serious questions about the organization and operation of the event. This should be the focus of all interested parties today rather than pursuing a blame game strategy via press conference.

I have received countless emails from Liverpool supporters who were frightened to death, and subject to police harassment, pepper spray and tear gas. Moreover, the situation was no better at the end of the evening than at the beginning, with many fans robbed, and attacked by gangs.

It was clear that fans were forced to go through a gauntlet, spending more than 2 hours in queues. One person said they were “trapped against the gates, nobody was moving, and nobody on the other side of the gates was communicating at all.” These fans were treated like cattle.

How can loose data and unverified assertions presented this morning be anywhere near factual without a truly independent and transparent investigation with the right stakeholders including our supporters, our club and others taking place. Worse still, these assertions undermine the pursuit of truth and transparency which should underpin the motivations of any organization or individual with a desire to ensure such unacceptable scenes are never repeated.

The fact that your public position went against this objective is a concern in itself. That you did so without any recourse to ourselves or our supporters is an even greater one. All voices should count in this process, and they should count equally and fairly.

As a Club, it was already our strong feeling that any investigation should be impartial, independent, and transparent. This view has only intensified as a direct result of your public comments and the impact they have had on a narrative which runs contrary to the experiences of many. Your comments were irresponsible, unprofessional, and wholly disrespectful to the thousands of fans harmed physically and emotionally.

UEFA Champions League Final should be one of the finest spectacles in world sport, and instead it devolved into one of the worst security collapses in recent memory. On behalf of all the fans who experienced this nightmare I demand an apology from you, and assurance that the French Authorities and UEFA allow an independent and transparent investigation to proceed.


Tom Werner


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